Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

         Nowadays, many people have BlackBerry. Adults, teenagers, even children use BlackBerry. Sometimes they use BlackBerry without knowing about its function, they only follow others people who use BlackBerry, because they think that BlackBerry is luxurious thing and it is popular. Actually, there are advantages that make BlackBerry popular. A lot of people are fond of texting. From BlackBerry they are spoiled with applications or features of BlackBerry, such as BlackBerry Messenger, Message, E-mail, or Social Media. From that features, they can get satisfaction themselves, because they can communicate with others people easily. Because of many applications in BlackBerry that are related to internet, such as social media (twitter, Facebook, yahoo messenger, my space, etc) and browsing (Google, social browser, etc), so it is easier for people to access the internet. Now, people who have BlackBerry don’t need to bring their laptop or modem everywhere and every time to access internet. Beside the advantages that I said before, there is an interesting advantage from BlackBerry. People can make or get money because they can make online shop from their BlackBerry. The advantages that I have said before make people think and realize that BlackBerry is very useful in their life. But, I don’t want talk about it further and instead I think that BlackBerry should be banned. I will ask “have you ever realized about the negative impacts of BlackBerry ?”. So in my article I want to talk about the negative impacts of BlackBerry.
            First of all, I think that BlackBerry makes people very busy with their BlackBerry. They become more interested in their BlackBerry and they think that BlackBerry is the most important thing in their life. It makes them prefer doing anything with their BlackBerry than interacting with other people and doing something which is more important in their life. For example, we know that now many children have BlackBerry, and I see that they are more interest and very busy with their BlackBerry than studying or playing with other children. Parents must aware about it, not only parents I think, but also all of people must aware. Secondly to activated all features or applications in BlackBerry, people must have a lot of money or at least enough money to activated their BlackBerry. If they have worked, it doesn’t matter to them, but if they are us as a student, it can be burdensome for us. Because we still require money to our parents, it also can be burdensome for our parents. This is the last thing that I think is the most important negative impacts and makes BlackBerry should be banned. It is BlackBerry makes people become far from their real world and real life. Like I said before, it makes people prefer doing anything with their BlackBerry, on account of they become very busy with their BlackBerry. and I think that their life and world is in their BlackBerry. (nic)


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